Mind Body Change

Peter Navratil

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At the age of seven I was introduced to alternatives to the Western way of living. This aroused an awareness in me that has resonated throughout my life.

I was also fortunate to be introduced at a young age to a variety of differing ethnic and cultural groups which has enriched and broadened my life perspective.

In the years that followed there were many changes, some good some not so good. While the seeds of my salvation were sown early, I would endure years of stress and disharmony before I was able to evolve into finding balance and positive change.

Initially I was more and more caught up in the corporate world, much of my behavior was reactive and obsessive, lacking any natural harmony or balance. My health became patchy as the years of constant stress depressed my immune system. The whole cycle of cause and effect became more and more destructive. I had lost the fun perspective of life and much of my outlook was far too serious and driven by fear.

By the late 1990's the mental and physical cracks that were accumulating were well and truly starting to affect my everyday life. Coping with a growing business and a young family were at times a struggle.

My mind and body was crying out for help. I was fortunate my innate awareness was aroused to seek out and instigate change before anything too serious or permanent manifested.

I explored meditation and in my spare time I delved into gaining a deeper awareness and understanding of the holistic mind body connection. This led to profound changes as my understanding and self awareness rose. There was an immediate therapeutic benefit to my immune system and general well-being. Simultaneously all my relationships changed as did my overall life perspective and prosperity.

I was driven to make more radical changes. I eventually phased myself out of a established and substantial business partnership to embark on a career assisting individuals and collective groups initiate awareness for lasting positive change, prosperity and good health.

With awareness I found balance and harmony. Today I am happier, healthier and fitter than ever, enjoying the whole process as well as reaping the new rewards on offer.

I'm happily married after 21 years with three wonderful children, I now live a life that has at its core the fundamentals for prosperity, good health, joy, service and success. Sharing my observations and lessons as mentor, coach and teacher with others is now a passion.

Peter Navratil

Sharing my observations and lessons as mentor, coach and teacher with others is now a passion.

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