Category Archives: Uncategorized

Meditation – The best possible daily habit, it’s like flowering from within.

Meditation is something that anyone can do. With practise it can be done anywhere, any time. Once you are in the meditation groove ( this takes about six weeks of daily practise for around 20 minutes) you can easily get into a meditative state within a minute. Meditation is the best possible habit to get [...]

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Awareness – The universal key to positive change

Awareness is required to break free of destructive habits / cycles. Awareness is the universal key to change. Awareness is the ability to disengage the auto pilot state we can find ourselves, highlighted when we are reactive in our actions. We need to deliberately slow down to observe our actions, feelings, emotions and thoughts before [...]

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Meditation – Starting with the basics

Meditation – Starting with the basics While today meditation is part of my daily life, as well as sharing what I have learnt from experience with others I like most have not always enjoyed it’s benefits. For me it did not happen over night, though with the right intent, frame of mind and some assistance, [...]

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Meditation – free guided meditation to try !!!!!

If you were to ask me what is the greatest skill I have learnt in my 50 years, my first thought every time would be the skill of being able to meditate. Ideally it should be one of the first skills we are taught after learning how to talk. Attached is one of my  old [...]

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Hello world!

Welcome to the new Mind Body Change web site. I will be regularly posting items and issues that I have found interesting and helpful both personally and with clients. I will also post some free guided meditations that you are welcome to try for yourselves. Like any new endeavour I have a steep learning curve [...]

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